Tuesday, November 4, 2008

See What we SpoTTed

We remembered the reason behind why we bought the KL STATE OF MINE CAP 2008 for YOUR HIGHNESS Birthday.
1) Some percentage of the cap sales contributed to Charity
2) He love New Era cap collection3) Its limited Edition and must be meaningful for his collection
4) Something special to represent Malaysia

We remembered that we are so afraid the gift can't reach to him but and kept sending him message and let him know to gave us hint when he received it.

And see what we found...when he was at the airport departing to Japan...
Spotted the cap on DJ ZDUBB head...we are not angry why you gave it to him to wear it but Thanks for giving us the hint...we hope and wish you didnt gave that to him but just lend it to him...Thanks V

~by Jessi~

Thursday, August 7, 2008


HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR DEAREST ROYAL DUBB-NESS...May GOD Bless whatever things he do and may he healthy and happy all the time....We love Him forever...

Amazing Grace of King's Love (Happy 30th Bday to Vanness)

This post is taken from VIFC(Van Ness Wu International Fan Club)- www.vanness-vifc.org/bbs

Special Thanks to Yun for posting it, JEAN's pics , VVCAT's revising and VIVIANBIZ's information resource.

Amazing Grace of King’s Love
你有沒有感到對你的狂熱歡呼和擁護呢?你有沒你的國度感到驕傲呢?你是否知道我們為什麼如此熱愛你?我們不只是因為你帥氣的外表,健美的體形,性感的 嗓音,震撼的音樂,坦蕩的心靈……還有你對這個世界的大愛。愛是聚集我們在這個國度的力量。在此,我們回顧一下這年中你在各個慈善活動上的身影,再次溫暖 我們的記憶,大聲地對你說“國王, 生日快樂!我們愛你!”
Dear Royal VDUBB,
Can you feel the enthusiastic applause and support? Do you feel proud of your kingdom? Do you know what we love about you so much? It is not just about your charming looking, well-built body, sexy voice, fantastic music, magnanimous soul, etc, but also your big love to the world. And that is the power which unites us together in the kingdom. Here we just want to recall your charity events during the past year to warm the memory again, and yell out---Royal Bubb-ness, Happy Birthday and we love you!

1. 2007年3月,吳建豪以慈善大使的身份對東非的貧困兒童進行探訪,呼籲大家支持聯合國兒童基金會每月捐款計劃。吳建豪在當地體驗辛勤生活。首次到非洲探訪的他表示日後也想多做慈善探訪工作.
In March 2007, Vanness visited East Africa as the UNICEF ambassador to appeal to the monthly donating plan for the poor children. During the period of staying, Vanness experienced deeply into the hard local life, and showed great desire to taking up more charity events and visits in future

2. 2007年4月吳建豪積極參與Hit Fm公益活動,為弱勢團體請命的行動後,並發起為育幼院童募款繪畫義賣活動,手繪嘻哈帽,望能喚起社會上更多的關愛。
In April, 2007, Vanness Wu, took part in the charity painting sale at Hit Fm Station for the orphanage and the weak groups. Vanness drew the Hip-hop cap carefully to beckon more care and love from the society.

3. 2007年4月16,關懷大使吳建豪出席捷運公司與臺北之音、HIT FM聯播網,共同舉行的宣導記者會,鼓勵年輕人從「心」開始以身作則,透過行動影響他人,讓捷運處處充滿愛心。
On April 16, 2007, Vanness attended the press conference held by the Express Railway Company, VOT and HIT FM as the Care Ambassador to spread the love and encourage the youth to take the model polite action self-consciously and influence others in the train.4. 2007年5月17日在上海露面的吳建豪匆匆離開機場,徑直到了華山醫院,探望腦瘤患孩小新雨。探訪期間,他給小新雨帶去了禮物. 次日他還參加了華山醫院百年慶的慈善晚會。此外,吳建誼在香港APM為新碟簽唱會上,也為7歲患腦瘤的上海Fans作出募捐呼籲顯善心。
On May 17, 2007, Vanness Wu flew to Shanghai and called on a child suffered from brain cancer named Xiao Xingyu in Huashang Hospital directly. He had a happy talk with the child and brought him some gifts. The next day, Vanness joined in Huashan Hospital’s 100 Anniversary Charity Evening. Besides, Vanness also called on the donation for the Shanghai child at his autograph session at APM in Hongkong.

5. 2007年6 月8日,聯合國兒童基金會香港委員會大使吳建豪在北京出席主題為“愛在聯合國兒童基金會”的公益活動。該活動旨在號召社會各界給受愛滋病影響的兒童更多關愛,支持中國兒童青少年預防愛滋病活動的開展。
On June 8, 2007, as the ambassador of UNICEF in Hong Kong, Vanness, attended the function of “Unite For Children, Unite Against AIDS” in Beijing to call on the public concern for the children who are affected by AIDS and the support for the anti-AIDS campaign for teenagers in China.

6. 2007年7月30日,吳建豪主動捐助人民幣十萬元認購油畫一幅,當作籌建少林慈幼院的費用。當吳建豪得知幫助的小朋友們籌款時,第一時間就去探望這些小朋友。
On July, 30, 2007, as Vanness heard the plan of raising money for the charity orphanage of Shaolin Temple, he preordered a 100,000-yuan painting forwardly and went to visit the orphans there immediately.

7. 2007年10月16日上午,吳建豪到海南省大美小學。他是作為無線音樂榜的特派使者,前來大美小學進行慰問和授課活動,還特意對兩名學生做了家訪。
On the morning of October. 16th, 2007, as a special envoy of the Mobile Music Billboard, Vanness Wu visited Damei Primary School in Hainan Province. He woke up early in the morning to bake bread for the kids. He played with the students and even gave some English classes. After that, he made interviews to the homes of two students.

8. 2008年 5月18日 吳建豪出席《把愛傳出去》四川震災募款晚會,除提供電話捐款外,還精心繪製簽名T恤作為義賣籌款。
On May 18, 2008, Vanness attended “Spreading the Love” the Charity Evening for Sichuan Earthquake in Taiwan. He participated in the telephone service for donating and carefully modified the T- shirt for charity sale as well.

Royal Dubb-ness, Happy 30th Birthday! We really really love you!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

KL STATE OF MINE CAP 2008 (Part 4)

Finally, the cap is ready to be send out to V....


~by Jessi~

Saturday, July 19, 2008


[Malaysia]VIFC Gathering to celebrate Van Ness 30th Birthday

There was a gathering to celebrate an early Van Ness 30th Birthday with all the VIFC Malaysian members...

Date: 19th JULY 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 11-2pm
Venue: GreenBox Karaoke, Sg Wang, KL.

1)To prepare something for V upcoming birthday on Aug 7.
2)Get to know each other better.

Black shirt

Activities/AGENDA of the day:
1) Prepare your message for V Bday

2) Group pic
We find a nice background for a group pic...It was in front of the TV where V MTV was playing...Its hard to get a nice snapshot for the background...asked the help from 2 different staff and luckily
we managed to get a nice pic, with a nice background and of cos with the wonderful cake....

3) Screening of V-In Between DVD (the album will release here on 22 July 08) and reflash back on his concert@Genting.
Everyone was so excited to watch V In Between DVD which all about his journey in this entertainment biz from year 2001-2008.

4) Chit Chat
Lots thing to chat among all of us...unfinished topic...

5) Cake cutting session
A birthday celebration wouldn't be perfect without a cake...and it was an American Chocolate cake. Why we choose this? Because V love to eat chocolate...

5) K session
The whole day K session was all about singing V and F4 songs
...everyone that passed by our room tend to took a peep into our room...maybe our voice sounds too "GUD"...

I can said this was the first gathering for Malaysia VIFC friends exclude those events V events that we attended together....the number of ppl turn out of cos really a big different compare with countries but really thanks and appreciate for those that came on that day....your courtesy and willingness to spare some of your time was appreciated...each of us enjoy ourselves very much...singing, chatting, doing crazy stuff together...To those that unable to join, hope 2 see you all next time.....Thanks GOD that everything goes smooothly and no1 FFK last minute....

Now our group grown to be bigger...and hope more to come....JIA YOU!!!!

V, HAPPY blated BIRTHDAY...yet we still can't figure out any cure for the poison that infected us....haha...Will support you forever and hope to see you in Malaysia again anytime...
Thank you.

~by Jessi~

Sunday, June 29, 2008

KL STATE OF MINE CAP 2008 (Part 3)

We (me, Amanda, Jacinta) tried to search for the cap for about 2mths+ but couldn't get it.

First of all, its only sold at limited stores and not ECHO PARK shops/outlets are selling it.

Secondly, its Limited Edition versions, so the unit that available not that big amount.

We went to lots shops and even walk from one mall to one mall just to get that cap but FAILED...so upsad....and our legs were so pain...even got blister...

Nothing can stop our spirit...so, I searched online for more info regarding it and found the company address and contact number for it that is KARTEL.

I sent them email to inquire regarding this.

Without expecting much, finally the in charge person reply to me. They understand our situation and our eagerness to have that cap.

At least they voice out that they may able to help us as they are still some small little amount of stock in their office...

At last the cap was given by Kartel as a gift to you coutesy of Joe Flizzow!

THANKS GOD for hearing our prayer....THANKS to KARTEL for their kindness and being helpful...THANKS to the spirits of everyone...THE SPIRITS OF NEVER GIVE UP


Sunday, April 27, 2008

KL STATE OF MINE CAP 2008 (Part 2)

Everyone agreed that we did something charitable again this year. And coincidentally, I saw the news about the KL STATE OF MINE CAP in our local news paper...some percentage of the price sold will be donated to charitable home...

Firstly, thing came to my mind that it was great cos the cap was a NEW ERA type which suits for V...and we able to add it to his cap collection as well.

Secondly, it was limited edition and some percentage will goes to charitable organization...thats really sounds great...

So, I directly suggested this to Jessi...

~by Jacinta~

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Another year has passed...now its a brand new year...gonna crack our brains again to make sure what to prepare for V birthday...we wanna make it a special every year...and since V not coming to Msia for any projects, we plan to have a gathering with the members...

as for what to give him this year? as usual, i will sent email out for the gals to ask their opinions and give some suggestions..they are very cooperative and efficient....they will either call/reply my email/sms to give me some suggestions...

this year feel like buying a gift for V...but how to give him???emmm...keep this ques till end...lets settle the problem of what to give him???

haha...something meaningful and he will appreciates too....but I guess whatever his fans gave him, for sure he will appreciates it...

~by Jessi~