Thursday, August 30, 2007


To Our Dearest Van Ness,

Apa Khabar (How are you)?

Hope it's still not too late to wish you "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY". For us to prepare this special gift for you, we have taken about a month and finally we have the chance to present it to you. We have decided to make some donation to UNICEF under your name (hope you won't be mad at us for using your name for the donation) as a birthday gift to you as we know HE will always look after those that cares for others need. MAY HIS LIGHT SHINE BRIGHTLY UNTO YOU & BLESS YOU IN ALL YOUR UNDERTAKINGS.....

Lastly, we wish to say a "BIG THANK YOU" to you for showing us that there are a lots of children that needed our help...Through you, we get to know more about UNICEF. Continue doing what you are doing as what you are doing is so right and also continue to guide us to do more charity and help those in needs.

Remember to come to Malaysia again when you have time, k? Really hope to see you again in Malaysia...We miss you so much....

Take care and we hope you like this gift.


Yours sincerely,
Alice@VIFC/JV- Hong Kong

vv_ping@VIFC/JV - Malaysia
Jacinta@VIFC/JV - Malaysia

a.k.a Jessi@VIFC/JV - Malaysia
kmloo@VIFC - Malaysia
Roger - Malaysia

Theresa - Malaysia
Chin Ling@VIFC - Malaysia

from Jessi:
~"millions of THANK YOU for you have brighten up my life in all this 6 years. Miss you & F3 very much. It has been 3 years we didn't see you guys in Malaysia. Hope you will consider having F4 Concert Tour soon. Don't forget to include M'sia yea. Always remember that "You're not alone, we are here with you..."Don't bother what ppl said about you, just be the REAL you. "You're are always my inspiration"Wish you all the best and good health all year long."

from Jacinta:
~"Hope your days will always fill with happiness and laughter...Just continue trusting yourself and there is no need to change to be someone that you are not. We love you for who you are...we trust you...Berusaha (JIA YOU)"

from Carmen/km_loo
~"Thanks for being such a great performer. It's always a pleasure seeing you on stage...rock on Van Ness! and you know we always have your back...Love you always!!!"

from vv_ping
~"Wish you can eat more and cut off the diet..hope you can come here soon for concert again..."

from Chin Ling
~"Wish you happy all the time"

Tuesday, August 7, 2007



Messages from the M'sian fans to Van Ness:

Year's passes so fast & we have supported you for almost 6 years over. We are so lucky to be given the chance to support you all this while and being able to grow with you. You have bring so much joy to our live through music & dance. The passion you show us & the efforts that you have put in every single thing that you did have touched our hearts and have makes us becomes stronger to continue this journey with you. We are happy to be able to help you fulfill your dreams & thank you for letting us to be a part of your dream. That means a lot to us....

We want to take this opportunity to wish you HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY & may all your dreams be fulfilled...Keep shining...Hopes that your star will continues to shine. Lastly, we want you to know that everything that you have done for us are noticed & we want to THANK YOU for everything. Enjoy your birthday with the people you cherish...


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Its have been few mths after V Msia concerts on 03/03/07. We were glad that we met each other and we use to hang in VIFC, this year was the first year we are celebrating V Bday as a group...even though we are quite dissapointed that he unable to come here for his album promo, however, that didn't stop us from planning what to give for his birthday...

After some brain storming, we decided to donate to UNICEF and helps the sick and needy kids...that will be more meaningful...

What is UNICEF?
United Nations Children's Fund: an agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to aid education and the health of children and mothers ...
UNICEF was created in December 1946 by the United Nations to provide food, clothing and health care to European children facing famine and disease ...

UNICEF’s global mission is to:

Defend children’s rights, help meet their basic needs, ensure their survival and increase their opportunities to flourish.

Rally political will to invest in the well-being of children.

Respond to emergencies and strengthen the ability of children and their families to handle crises, including conflict, natural disasters and HIV/AIDS.

Assist countries in transition from conflict to peace to protect the rights of young people and to provide vital services to children and their families.

Advance equal rights for boys and girls and encourage their full participation in the development of their communities.

Work towards the human development goals adopted by the world community and the peace, justice and social progress enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.

~by Jessi~