The 3rd Wave album contains 11 original CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) songs and is a work of love and passion. It is a benchmark album as there has not been a work in this genre by Asian artists for 15 years. All songs are in English! Album proceeds go towards helping Africa!
If you wanna get this album on iTunes, it's only $10.99 USD and comes with a digital booklet containing exclusive pics and HD video interviews of participating artists! Proceeds from digital sales also go towards IWIN Campaign, a program under Food for the Hungry, Int'l, Ivory Coast.
The title track "I Will Be There" on the 3rd Wave album is a song specially written and dedicated to the African children. It serves as the theme song, showing 3rd Wave's love and commitment to the children in Africa.
3rd Wave artists have handpicked gifts as part of the Care Package for4 Grand Prizes! Johnny (top left) has chosen a hat and scarf. SiwonChoi has picked an adorable Christmas bunny (top right) along with apolaroid photo of himself, his autograph, and a short message. BrianJoo (bottom left) has selected a cross necklace... with diamond studs.Van Ness Wu (bottom right) has gotten a cute doll from the 2010 TaipeiInternational Flora Exposition, which he has personalized with hisautograph and well wishes.Order a 3rd Wave CD from Nov. 15-Dec. 15 and you just might win one ofthese prizes!!Just for fun, which gift are you hoping to get? Johnny's, Siwon's,Brian's, or Van Ness's?Comment with your favorite gift!! Christmas is a time for giving! And 3rd Wave artists wanted to make itextra special this Christmas with their handpicked gifts! Johnnyserved as executive producer and lent his vocals to the album. Siwon,a member of popular group Super Junior, sings on the track "SweetestName" with Johnny. Brian is the lead vocalist on the album. Van Nessduets with Brian on "Everything to Me." All of them want to show theirlove for Africa through this project.Asian artists Brian Joo, Siwon Choi (Super Junior), Van Ness Wu, and Johnny Lee want to make a difference through the 3rd Wave project. Thealbum is their way of expressing their love for Africa while sharingtheir faith with the world. Support their cause and get a 3rd Wavealbum during the Christmas Sale (Nov. 15-Dec. 15...)! Each of the 4 GrandPrizes includes a handpicked gift from a 3rd Wave artist + T-shirt +ringtones
With every 3rd Wave CD purchase during the Christmas Sale (Nov. 15-Dec. 15), you get this Mini Poster for FREE!! Poster features VanNess Wu, Brian Joo, and Siwon Choi (Super Junior), who all participated on the album!! You also get a FREE ringtone for the song "You Created Me" and FREE shipping!!
Veteran CCM singer/songwriter and Dove Award recipient, Lenny LeBlanc,is featured on 3rd Wave's album on the track "Altar of Praise"alongside Michael O'Brien. He also led worship at the IGNITE:1040conference in Seoul, Korea back in August.
Catch up V's reply about his Bday gifts during Ustream LIVE CHAT on Monday, 13th Sept 2010...
Question(by LF): Vanness,did u receive our bday present to YOU d postcards & donations cards fr all of us??
Van:"Yeah… I did received those..the birthday cards and donations....and you know those things are the ones that really are cool cos… ummm… u know… I really...really… really… did the fact that you guys are out there and trying to help people...and ummm… you know that’s awesome... so thank you guys....”
Thanks to V for answering the question...we are all so touched and this message really meant a lot to us... Thanks to LiFang for the help asking the question... Thanks to VIFC for sharing the video... Thanks to tintinlove1001 for uploading the video... Thanks to all the LOVELY, GENEROUS DONORS
Finally on 24th July 201o, all the postcards with wishes from the friends all over the world, Gift of Hope Gifts Cards, special Bday cards, receipts & letter by World Vision will be given to V specially for his Bday...
Between May- July, there are lots of postcards birthday messages from the donors flowing in from all over the countries. (ie: Japan, Korea, China, HK, Phil.....)
It was really touching receiving the postcards with all their own personal messages on it... Thank you everyone for all the efforts.
Finally, we received the receipts, gift cards and acknowledgment from World Vision that the cheque of RM9,400 reached to them safely. Thanks God that everything goes smoothly...
What are the second phase??? Yea, its the time for the donors to send in their messages. And we decided the mechanics for us to present those messages to V...
Each donors are advised to write their messages to V on a postcards. A postcard with their country landmark image...we believed this will be meaningful and gonna be something great to represent their own country. We hope V will love it...
Yet, to collect all the postcards from different countries to Msia is another tough task for us...
As below are the list of our generous and kind donors...From the bottom of our heart, once again MILLION of THANK YOU to all of them for their kind contributions
We welcome all your generous donations.
Donors (updated as 18th APRIL 2010):
Malaysia 1)Jessi (OnlyF4 &VIFC)
2)Jacinta (OnlyF4 &VIFC)
3)Amanda (VIFC)
4)km_loo (OnlyF4 &VIFC)
5)vv_ping (VIFC)
6)miao miao (VIFC)
7)chin ling (VIFC)
8)Elysia (VIFC)
Finally, the fund raised ended today... Total successful amount raised is RM9,400.00....with an incremental of RM200 just in one day...
Even though we targeted the amount of RM10,000, and we couldn't reached this amount,however, we really felt happy and touched as all the friends from every corner of this world are willing to join us in making this project a success and they are willing to check out for the best way to deliver the $ over to Msia using the cheapest/cost saving method....
From the bottom of our hearts, MILLIONS OF THANK YOU to everyone for making this project a success and thank you very much for all your kindness and generosity.Your kind hearted may help to change lots of communities and kids life...this is what ONE LOVE is all about...
Last but not least, thanks GOD for all the opportunities you created for us and thanks for making us love and help each other as a big family...
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can" by James Wesley (「あなたが出来る良い行い全てをやりなさい。あなたが出来る全ての手段で。全ての方法で。全ての場所で。全ての機会で。」- ジェームズ・ウィーズ リー)
After conducting numerous events every year, we realise that the best gift that Van ness would love would be for us to join efforts to help the needy, as practiced annually. The Malaysian girls decided that this year, we would participate in the World Vision programme called ‘Gift of Hope’ which is an event whereby funds collected would then be contributed to the needy just so they could have practical gifts such as livestock for families, school uniforms for children, and homes for street families.
When I first heard about this project, I thought that it was a good initiative to perform an early kick-start for Van ness’ birthday gift this year. I was excited to have the opportunity to be able to participate in such a meaningful gesture. It is not unusual for people to neglect the less fortunate either because of their busy hectic schedules of everyday lives or people just do not know the best channel to help the needy. World Vision is a wonderful organisation because it is not only reputable, it also conducts extensive projects to extend their hands to assist the less fortunate ones all around the world. Therefore, I personally appreciate this opportunity to be a donor and at the same time contribute to Van ness’ birthday present.
Since it was a charitable event, it would definitely be more effective if we could get more attention from many more people other than just the few of us here in KL. When this project was posted on VIFC, members from all around the world decided to play a part in this meaningful event. When I heard about the positive response given by members, it reminded me that the members in the fanclub not only care about the wishes by their idol, but they are also willing to take out some of their pocket money for contribution. It was indeed very touching for all of us here in Malaysia. The overwhelming response motivated us to work further to improve this project and make is as memorable as ever. Here is a special shoutout to members from Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and of cos Malaysia. Thank you so much for participating in this charity. Your good deed is greatly appreciated!
Honestly, the total amount raised was really not the main concern, because initially it was just an effort by the Malaysian girls for the 32th Birthday. However, now with so many more donors coming in, the amount raised has increased tremendously! In my opinion, I am greatly touched and happy that we could raise such an incredible amount this year. Good job, everyone and keep it going!
The girls from Malaysia have decided to raise fund for this year V charitable 32nd Birthday Project.
Just like the past 3 years, we believe this year will be another meaningful gift for him and also for all of us here.
Let’s flash back at what we have done previous years…. 2007 – Successfully raise some donation for UNICEF. 2008 – KL Limited Charitable New Era Cap 2009 – Participants (some VIFC M’sia members and friends) fasted for 30hours and successfully raised RM5115.00 for 30hours Famine, World Vision. The total raised funds by World Vision were later contributed to Myanmar, Uzbekistan,India, Laos, North Korea, China, Malaysia, etc...
Million thanks to all the members and friends that contributed for all the past charitable events. GOD BLESS…. So what are we looking at this for this year?????
Give a gift. Honour a loved one. Change the world!
How often have we received gifts that we absolutely do not know what to do with? Is it socially acceptable to “recycle” them? Or, just put them out of sight and eventually, out of mind? Have you ever thought of giving a gift that will bring not only bring smiles to your friends and loved ones but gives hope and life to a child, a mother or community in need?
Now, you can do just that with the World Vision Gifts of Hope catalogue, a unique, alternative gift catalogue that allows you to combine the thoughtfulness of gifting with meaningful acts of charity.The gift catalogue features practical gifts such as livestock for families, school uniforms for children, and homes for street families. The gifts are aimed at helping its recipients break free from the vicious cycle of poverty. Give a meaningful gift today and help us spread the word by passing this on! Thank you for helping us build a better world for children!
In the past 4 years, the gifts have gone to China, East Timor, Lebanon, Mongolia, Bosnia, India, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. For more info, log in to (Example: if we manage to raise RM200 then we can purchase - 2 set of "Farmer's starter kit (5 chicks + 5 ducklings + 1 kg of vegetable seeds)" =RM180 - 1 set of "Books (1 set of drawing and writing books)" =RM20 )
Welcome to our WORLD...
Lets spread our wings widely to protect, care, help and love those that need it. COME and join our hands to make this WORLD A BETTER PLACE for everyone.
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can"