Thought of registering for the workshop which was held on 2 May, however, we find out that the time frame was so near and last minute, so we chosen the one on 13th June 09....
Supposingly, this workshop will be attended by me, Jacinta, Miao and Amanda. However, they do have something to do on that day. If not mistaken, both of them need to work on that day as it was fall on Saturday. So, out of 4, just left me and Jacinta.
We were super nervous and damn scared as we don't know what to expect from this workshop? What they will do?
Registration started at 11am and we were still at the LRT Station when its 10.45am...Thought we gonna be late as we waiting for the bus where we endup took Taxi as we do not have the patience to wait for bus anymore...yet, after we get into taxi we only knew that we have waited at the wrong direction and the place nt that far...(first time going there ma...hehe...
we even reached there 5min earlier before 11am...and it was about 1hour+ before the workshop started. Yet, the whole thing started at 12.30pm instead of 12pm as there were still some latecomers. Before we entered to the hall, we need to register ourselves first at the registration counter and we were then be given a stack of materials for the Famine such as booklet, receipts books, funds collection booklets, CD, forms, and etc...looks scary and started to feel the stress...
While waiting the whole workshop to be officially start, they shows us some videos and slides, etc...feel so touching and tears nearly came out....saw some videos with LeeHom and Ah Mei....
No longer than that, the workshop started. We attended the English ver workshop. Its started of with a light game- sweets distribution. (The best,efficient, accurate and fastest way to distribute sweets)
Lesson Learn
- the best way is to choose a leader for each group and the leader reported to the coordinators how many members in their group and then the sweets will be given to the leader for distribution.
- this is the main reason why World Vision(WV) choose to have DIY CAMP starting from last year. This will be the fastest, easier and efficient way for them to convey the messages to the communities. Camp Leader will be the middle person between WV and the campers. Camp Leader and committes were given the responsibilities and trusts to coordinates everything-collection of funds, activities and to spread the love and missions to their camp members.
After that, it continues with the ICE BREAKING...most of them were from colleges, universities, private companies, and etc. The ice breaking started with WV coordinators asking where were each of them came from and their and Jacinta kept quite as we doesnt want to steal the limelight....
and then when it comes to end, the head of coordinators mentioned that in their list, there is a very special organisation...everyones seems like having question marks at their and Jacinta looking at each other...omg...
and the head of coordinators look at me and Jacinta, you girls came from where? Jacinta make blur face and said KL...the coordinators knew she doesnt want to answer that question and the coordinators stress out, your organisations????Jacinta look at me and I told myself, we cant run from this anymore...die die le...I said out loudly, clearly and proudly....VIFC- VAN NESS WU INTERNATIONAL FAN CLUB....about 50+ pair of eyes(from left, right, front and back) look at us at the same time...and the coordinators mentioned, this was the first fan club ever joining such event...good job...and he ask,you know who is Van Ness Wu? some said yes and one or two voices said no..and she said, the fellow member of F4 that acted in METEOR GARDEN...thanks for the great intro...haha...endup, both of us are at the limelight...gosh...
then, during some discussion time came a couple that walk to us and ask more about VIFC as they are curious about it...we explained to them...they are so cute..
Programme cont with
We had our tea break with VSOY which was the main sponsors for our countdown event as well...VSOY MULTI GRAIN is super damn tasteful and you doesnt need to eat after you drank will make you super full as well...and we are the taste market team as this soya bean still havent been release at the market..
Supposingly, this workshop will be attended by me, Jacinta, Miao and Amanda. However, they do have something to do on that day. If not mistaken, both of them need to work on that day as it was fall on Saturday. So, out of 4, just left me and Jacinta.
We were super nervous and damn scared as we don't know what to expect from this workshop? What they will do?
Registration started at 11am and we were still at the LRT Station when its 10.45am...Thought we gonna be late as we waiting for the bus where we endup took Taxi as we do not have the patience to wait for bus anymore...yet, after we get into taxi we only knew that we have waited at the wrong direction and the place nt that far...(first time going there ma...hehe...
we even reached there 5min earlier before 11am...and it was about 1hour+ before the workshop started. Yet, the whole thing started at 12.30pm instead of 12pm as there were still some latecomers. Before we entered to the hall, we need to register ourselves first at the registration counter and we were then be given a stack of materials for the Famine such as booklet, receipts books, funds collection booklets, CD, forms, and etc...looks scary and started to feel the stress...
While waiting the whole workshop to be officially start, they shows us some videos and slides, etc...feel so touching and tears nearly came out....saw some videos with LeeHom and Ah Mei....
No longer than that, the workshop started. We attended the English ver workshop. Its started of with a light game- sweets distribution. (The best,efficient, accurate and fastest way to distribute sweets)
Lesson Learn
- the best way is to choose a leader for each group and the leader reported to the coordinators how many members in their group and then the sweets will be given to the leader for distribution.
- this is the main reason why World Vision(WV) choose to have DIY CAMP starting from last year. This will be the fastest, easier and efficient way for them to convey the messages to the communities. Camp Leader will be the middle person between WV and the campers. Camp Leader and committes were given the responsibilities and trusts to coordinates everything-collection of funds, activities and to spread the love and missions to their camp members.
After that, it continues with the ICE BREAKING...most of them were from colleges, universities, private companies, and etc. The ice breaking started with WV coordinators asking where were each of them came from and their and Jacinta kept quite as we doesnt want to steal the limelight....
and then when it comes to end, the head of coordinators mentioned that in their list, there is a very special organisation...everyones seems like having question marks at their and Jacinta looking at each other...omg...
and the head of coordinators look at me and Jacinta, you girls came from where? Jacinta make blur face and said KL...the coordinators knew she doesnt want to answer that question and the coordinators stress out, your organisations????Jacinta look at me and I told myself, we cant run from this anymore...die die le...I said out loudly, clearly and proudly....VIFC- VAN NESS WU INTERNATIONAL FAN CLUB....about 50+ pair of eyes(from left, right, front and back) look at us at the same time...and the coordinators mentioned, this was the first fan club ever joining such event...good job...and he ask,you know who is Van Ness Wu? some said yes and one or two voices said no..and she said, the fellow member of F4 that acted in METEOR GARDEN...thanks for the great intro...haha...endup, both of us are at the limelight...gosh...
then, during some discussion time came a couple that walk to us and ask more about VIFC as they are curious about it...we explained to them...they are so cute..
Programme cont with
We had our tea break with VSOY which was the main sponsors for our countdown event as well...VSOY MULTI GRAIN is super damn tasteful and you doesnt need to eat after you drank will make you super full as well...and we are the taste market team as this soya bean still havent been release at the market..
~reported by Jessi~
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